Monday, June 28, 2010

church and such

We had a long weekend filled with lots of food and family. Monday comes too soon.

Our niece Katie was baptised yesterday, and all the Chicago and Georgia relatives were in town to attend and celebrate. Of course, Isaac is 2 months older and has not been baptised, which makes me feel like a bit of a heathen, but whatever. I was raised Baptist, and (ironically enough) they don't baptise babies. I fully support anyone who does it, but for my own kid, it would be a bit strange I think.
It was the first time Isaac had been to church, and he did pretty well. He loves music, so he was pretty happy during the worship portion. Once the message started, I was trying to rock him to sleep, but he just kept pulling my shirt down, lol. Not church-appropriate. I kept him happy for a bit with a continuous stream of Rice Krispies but eventually had to go out in the lobby until the message was over.
Through all of this, he has been working on getting at least one top tooth. I feel it poking through, but can't see it yet. Hopefully it will make an appearance soon because he has been pretty miserable around bedtime. He's actually been getting excited when I get out the Tylenol. (Although the sugary grape flavor probably doesn't hurt...)

Monday, June 21, 2010

So proud

Of his toast-eating skills ;)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

On the move!

Isaac turned 7 months on Monday, and apparently decided that 7 months was too old to not be crawling...

He started crawling just before bedtime, and got in a lot more practice the next morning. He is still not going very far, but he is definitely better at it just since Monday. Here's a short video from Tuesday morning, I'll try to take another one in the next few days:

(And for all the Facebook people, yes, you already saw this. Anytime you see a note from me, it is actually auto-feeding from my blog. FYI. Sometimes I post something on Facebook and then realize that my non-facebook family may want to see it too. Imagine that!...someone who isn't on

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Be honest

Is my shirt too low-cut?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sir Talks a Lot

He's been on the floor spinning in circles for over 20 minutes now. He started whispering yesterday...saying "Da da da" as quietly as possible. Silly baby...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Baby-free tomorrow

Tomorrow night, Isaac will spend his first night away from home, at my mom's house. I'm sure it will go fine, but it will definitely be weird without him.

I'm torn between wanting to just veg out, go to the movies, etc, and wanting to get things done that I normally can't do easily with a little one around. Probably I will do a little of both though.

Things on the agenda?
*Thin out some of our crap (sort through papers, books, etc. I want clean countertops)
*Finish my pantry project that I started yesterday. The contents of our pantry are currently overtaking the kitchen table
*Make some food ahead (brown rice and shredded chicken for freezer, maybe a big batch of pancake mix)
*Make these cookies: Clean Eating's Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Mmm...almond butter. Maybe these should go higher on the list...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We could always use some more fluff...

Chubby Cherubs Cloth Diaper Naturals is offering a chance to win a $425 cloth diaper package! Requirement: just share the giveaway info on a social network page like a blog (check!) or Facebook (check!). Couldn't hurt to try, right?

Package includes:
10 Chubby Cheeks Diapers (Available in Neutral, Boy or Girl print/color combos.)
12 One-Size Soakers
3 Doublers (3 Pack)- 9 Doublers Total
2 Cloth Wipes (8 Pack)- 16 Cloth Wipes Total
1 Cloth Wipes Solution (NH Milk & Honey Bun Drops or NH Green Tea & Honey Bun Drops)

Become a fan of them here:
or visit their website:

We currently only have 12 daytime diapers and 3-4 nighttime diapers, so this would be a big help! We just took a 5 day road trip and had to use disposables on our trip, since we only have enough cloth dipes to last us about 2 days.

He's still happy

...even when he's been tossing his cookies all day.

He was crying shortly before this picture was taken, but the triple
play of nudity, a mirror, and a warm bath won him over.

(After a whole day of constant major spit up and very little sleep, he
finally slept after this picture was taken. Whatever it was seems to
have resolved itself now.)