Thursday, July 23, 2009

week 22

I think just in the past week or so my belly must have "popped". I have had several random patrons at work ask me when I was due, is this my first, etc. My friend Mindy told me on Monday--after not seeing me for 3 days--that it was the first she looked at me and thought "oh, she's pregnant"

Little pal is now big enough to be measured head to toe (instead of head to butt, lol). He should be about 10 1/2" long now, and weighs about 12 oz.

He is so little though that he still has tons of room in there, so I'm not feeling definite kicks yet....just vague movements from time to time. During my prenatal appts, when we listen to the heartbeat, we hear him moving a lot! It's probably just as well that I'm not feeling kicks yet, because once I do I probably won't be getting much rest!

Friday, July 10, 2009


I'm a sneezing, sniffling, stuffed-up mess...I even broke down and took some Sudafed (the only thing "safe" to take) but it didn't help much.

Chrissy and I went to the zoo this morning, and I could actually breathe while we were there. I guess the fresh air and the exercise helped with that. I did get some Dippin' Dots at the zoo too, which made me feel like an 8 year old at the state fair again. I always thought those were the coolest things when I was that age.

We didn't stay for too long because Kaiya was close to naptime. We visited Jeremy, who was working at the bird portion of Jungle Jack's landing. There was a teeny tiny owl that was absolutely adorable. He was probably no more than 8 inches tall. I was trying to remember the exact species, and I actually found a picture of Jeremy handling this owl during a show of some sort.

So the zoo was fun, but pretty much as soon as we got home, I went back to being miserable. I guess I should go back out and walk around again, but I can only do that for so long. It's not like I'm just going to walk around outside until bedtime--even if I did I still wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. Sigh.

I'm just hoping I can shake this congestion this weekend, because I really don't want to go back to work on Monday feeling like this...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

progress pics!

Tim's mom came to the rescue! She took these on Sunday at dinner and I forgot to get copies of them for her. Please ignore the terrible hair. Not sure what was going on there....

week 19

Still no obvious kicks from little pal, I'm expecting them to start any day now. The midwives said I should be feeling kicks by 20 weeks or so.

I feel like I've been at work nonstop for the last week or more. Which I have, except for the 4th. I am very ready for my three-day weekend to start, and then I have another one next weekend too! I'm hoping to start getting little pal's room cleared out during those weekends, so then we can start painting.

(Oh, and if I don't remember to post progress pics by later tonight...someone call me and remind me! I just keep forgetting to have Tim take some....)